Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rain, rain go away!

All of this rain has got me thinking...

Of a way to capture it for when it's not so rainy. How cool would one of these old wine barrels look in your yard?

During the drought a couple of years ago, my Mom got one of these old whiskey barrels to capture rain water for her yard. It looks great too, just blends right in.

I thought this was a neat idea...just not digging the plastic.

And, another old wine barrel. I wonder if you can get the barrel delivered full of wine...or whiskey and then reuse it? That'd be one way to pass the time on these dreary days!!


  1. cute TAB! We are using these on a project now. It is at a vineyard and wine tasting building and we are using some of the extra wine barrels on site as planters!

  2. Those are awesome!! So much better than the plastic ones at typical garden stores. Where did you find them?

  3. BPQ-TX- what a great idea to use them as planters! Send pictures if you have them!

    I found these at When my Mom's was delivered you could still smell the bourbon! And, it works great!
